Buy Zimbabwe Youth & SME Desk

About Program

Buy Zimbabwe and Elevate Trust are working together to establish the Youth and SME desk to co-ordinate, consolidate, train, certify and lead youth businesses towards effectively enterprising and accessing the Zimbabwean markets. The youth and SME desk will ensure youth’s business are co-ordinated, the existing and upcoming young business owners are trained towards effectively enterprising and strides are made for them to access the Zimbabwe markets. This Youth Desk will be managed by Elevate Trust under the arm of Buy Zimbabwe with the tagline #Buy Youth-Buy Zim. The pilot project of the Youth and SME desk is in Harare but the aim is to set up a youth desk in each province. There will be a sectorization of the provinces according to what they can manufacture best. An example would be the bio-market of Amarula in Mwenezi, Eucalyptus oil in Lupane and fruits production in Manicaland.


Jobs creation, wealth and pride by youth for youth through local products and services


  • Wealth and job creation by youth through buying and selling of their own quality guaranteed locally produced and manufactured products and services.


  1. Consolidate all youth companies and trades,
  2. Co-ordinate and collaborate them
  3. Train upcoming youth entrepreneurs and ensure their products and services are of guaranteed quality
  4.  Provide access to markets 
  • Training will be done by Elevate Trust. These will cover the basics of Business Canvas modelling, product development, pricing and tailored go to market strategies
  • Quality and safety assessment of products and services will be done by Buy Zimbabwe through the Business Systems and Standards Certification (BSSC) under Buy Zim
  • Trainings will equip all businesses with go to market strategies.
  • Ideally there will be a branded youth shelf in every supermarket
  • Tendering advantages and tax breaks for companies that take up youth products and services

Application process

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