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Students Startup Summit

The SSuS is the annual start-ups get together event that aims at showcasing the “real” world class innovations and start-ups from different educational institutions through-out Zimbabwe and connecting start-ups, tech talent to mentors and investor funders/donors, successful entrepreneurs, researchers, corporates, executives and media for mentorship and exposure.We are striving to be Africa’s leading students, graduates and community start up event. The very core of the SSUS is to facilitate networking, founder/innovator and investor meet up and to build a cohesive start up community.


The SSuS Gallery


Student Startup Summit

What is SSuS looking for?

SSuS is looking for motivated individuals who intend to explore their innovative or creative abilities and, overall, make profit or impact lives at the same time under 7 tracks.

  • 1. Med/Bio-Tech

    It also includes application of organized knowledge and skills in the form of devices, medicines, vaccines, procedures and systems developed to solve a health problem and improve quality of lives. This includes pharmaceuticals, devices, procedures, and organizational systems used in the healthcare industry, as well as computer-supported information systems. These technologies can involve standardized physical objects, as well as traditional and designed social means and methods to treat or care for patients. Their focus must be at developing new and improving existing opportunities in the medical and science industry in Zimbabwe contributing to import substitution and improving Health and Biotechnology Sector.

  • 2. Food and Agri-Tech

    Focusing on the use of technology in agriculture, horticulture, and aquaculture with the aim of improving yield, efficiency, and profitability and food for all. Start-ups should provide products, services or applications derived from agriculture that improve various input/output processes or that add value to the local Agricultural value chain.

  • 3. Energy Mining and Engineering Tech

    Innovations and start-ups focusing on the future of mining. Theoretically, there is so much data on the existing mining technologies, effectiveness, and any other improvements that have been made already, including the evolution of mining. The future of mining technologies involves the novel or the complementarity of processes of methods, which is all about improving the efficiency of the technologies. The potential of this thematic area calls for dialogue and the demand for preliminary funding for any innovation calls for the collaborative effort of potential beneficiaries to support the thematic area.

  • 4. Fin-Tech

    The FinTech track will explore for ideas that uses technology to improve activities in finance by trying to replace or enhance the usage of financial services provided by existing financial companies. The solutions and technologies should improve and develop the services, as well as gaining an improved competitive stance to the start-up, women and the rural business population.

  • 5. Digital devices

    Despite Zimbabwe having a high number of Internet users( which may reflect decent digital literacy), little novel innovations resonating around technology has been made. The purpose of the Digital Devices Track is to challenge the young Zimbabwean to identify a problem and use the existing digital knowledge to design novice technologies that can be offered as solutions. In addition, the track will be a platform to appreciate technology for women , by women. This will be a means to encourage the participation of more women and girls in the technological space.

  • 6. Climate Change

    Climate change continues to pose a significant threat to the planet. Awareness is being spread far and wide but more needs to be developed towards adaptable action especially in Zimbabwean local communities. One of the critical impacts of climate change is biodiversity loss, to address these challenges, innovative solutions are needed, which necessitates collaboration, exchange of ideas, and knowledge-sharing amongst various stakeholders. This pillar calls beyond awareness to action.

  • 7. Edu-Tech

    The Edutech track will explore different ideas to improve the education sector such as the creation of applications to assist students such as an application which will assist students with various subjects, chatbots in real time assistance for students and online study groups. This will help in improving the education system as a lot of parents were complaining about the new curriculum being difficult for them when assisting their children with homework.